Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Decision taken, now what?

The decision has been taken. You have used logic for that, but now you have to use you heart; what do you want to do in your life?
Ask yourself what do you want to do in your life. Europe can offer you much more career opportunities than the job market at your country (that could be the reason for leaving). But it is essential to define a path.
Setting targets is the way to go from A to B without getting lost nor disappointed.
Long term targets could derive from your ambitions and short term targets should be realistic, achievable and to leading (eventually) to the long term targets.

A common question during an interview is 'where do you see yourself in 5 years?'. Not being able to answer that question shall make the interviewer to assume that you do not care about the future or that you are a person with no plans.
Being ambitious is an asset. Having a plan on how you'll achieve your ambitions is more than an asset!
Try always to think from different perspectives!
If you would have to choose between a person with plan in his life and a person without a plan for a certain position in your company, who would you choose? Whom would you trust the most?